Kentucky APWA Chapter Recognizes Three GRW Projects

Submitted by ksandino on
Representatives from GRW project teams and our clients, as well as Dirk Gowin, who's this year's APWA-KY Chapter President and an employee of Louisville Metro Government, were on hand to accept recognition during the Chapter's award luncheon, held as part of its annual conference in Louisville. Mr. Gowin is standing at far right in each photo. Shown (left photo): GRW's Joe Pavoni & Todd Solomon; (middle photo) GRW's Greg Kreutzjans & Warren Iulg; Daniel Menetrey (Boone County Public Works Capital Project Ma
 Representatives from GRW project teams and our clients, as well as Dirk Gowin, who's this year's APWA-KY Chapter President and an employee of Louisville Metro Government, were on hand to accept recognition during the Chapter's award luncheon, held as part of its annual conference in Louisville. Mr. Gowin is standing at far right in each photo. Shown (left photo): GRW's Joe Pavoni & Todd Solomon; (middle photo) GRW's Greg Kreutzjans & Warren Iulg; Daniel Menetrey (Boone County Public Works Capital Project Manager); (right photo) Civil Design Inc.'s Laura Davis; Cornerstone Engineering's Georgiy Orlov, Ben Zinninger, Becca Dyer & Chella Subram; GRW's Todd Solomon, and Louisville MSD's Meskerem Eshetu.

The Kentucky Chapter of the APWA (American Public Works Association) recognized three GRW-designed projects during its 2019 State Conference in Louisville titled, “Our Aging Infrastructure.”

Awards went to three GRW clients: Boone County Fiscal Court, Burlington, KY; the City of Murray, KY, and Louisville-Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (Louisville MSD).

Boone County Fiscal Court, Burlington, KY | Veterans Way Connector and Multi-Use Path

  • For this LPA project, GRW designed improvements to Veterans Way forming a new connection between KY 18 (Burlington Pike) to KY 237 (North Bend Road). The entire 0.5 mile project length includes a 10-foot multi-use path. It includes three stormwater detention basins compensate for increased impervious area runoff. This Boone County / KYTC District 6 project provides a safer, more functional roadway linkage and better serves the existing corridor establishments. Read more here.

 City of Murray, KY | Bee Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility Expansion

  • The Bee Creek WRRF Expansion involved increasing plant capacity from 5.25 million gallons per day (MGD) average daily flow (ADF) to 8.75 MGD ADF. The WRRF Expansion combines “the old with the new” by incorporating existing tankage and buildings into the expanded facility to reduce costs. With an eye to the future, the design also focuses on plant performance, operational flexibility, and anticipated regulatory limits. A vertical loop reactor (VLR) – only the second of its kind in Kentucky – was the chosen technology. Read more here.

Louisville MSD | Louisville MSD’s Clifton Heights CSO Storage Basin, Pump Station & Force Main

  • The Clifton Heights CSO basin is a below-grade, cast-in-place concrete tank approaching the size of a football field. It’s filled by gravity and emptied by pumping. The basin holds 7.0 MG of CSO water when the basin is full to a depth of 26 feet and empties at a maximum pumping rate of 9.0 MGD. A single-sided basin wall forming method was used in lieu of a double-sided forming method. This resulted in reduced blasting, excavation, rock removal, and concrete wall reinforcement requirements while saving Louisville MSD approximately $2 million. Read more here.

Find a list of other GRW awards and recognition.