Frankfort Plant Board Admin Building Construction Update

Submitted by ksandino on
The photo above shows work underway on the covered, exterior, drive-through teller area, one of a number of Frankfort Plant Board customer and community service improvements planned for the new administration building. Construction is expected to be complete before the end of 2016.
 The photo above shows work underway on the covered, exterior, drive-through teller area, one of a number of Frankfort Plant Board customer and community service improvements planned for the new administration building. Construction is expected to be complete before the end of 2016.

The exterior shell is complete and the roofing system is nearing completion at the new Frankfort Plant Board (FPB) Administration Building in Frankfort, Kentucky. The project team has scheduled substantial completion for fall 2016, bringing the project closer to offering improved customer service to FPB clients. Also nearing completion is site work including paving, curbs, and stormwater management systems. GRW is monitoring construction as work on interior framing, and mechanical and electrical systems moves forward as well.

GRW designed the new three-level, 46,000 SF administration building project, which will consolidate the Frankfort Plant Board’s administrative offices for accounting, human resources, management, IT, and dispatch, as well as customer service offices. Facilities are being provided for the Plant Board's public customer service functions including payment service lines, exterior drive through tellers (under construction in the lower left area of the photo above), product service representation, and a board/community room. The new building has backup utility systems and a designated shelter area.

The Frankfort Plant Board, a municipal utility company, is responsible for:

  • Providing electric power and service to more than 20,000 meters in Franklin County and portions of Shelby and Woodford counties. 
  • Providing drinking water to the City of Frankfort and other areas supplied by the FPB.

The FPB also offers cable television, high-speed internet, and telephone services, as well as business and residential security services.