ACEC Indiana will recognize several GRW projects as part of its 2017 Engineering Excellence Awards program in March. The winning projects were completed for the Indiana communities of Whitestown, Anderson, and Aurora; they include:
- Anderson's 59th Street and 60th Street Roundabout (Merit Award)
- Aurora's Phase IA Long Term Control Plan System Improvements (State Finalist Award)
- Whitestown's Wastewater Treatment Plant, Lift Station and Forcemain Improvements (Merit Award)
Anderson's new roundabout involved the completion of surveys, a full traffic analysis report using SIDRA, and design of five-legged one-lane roundabout, as well as improvements to INDOT’s 59th Street and SR 9 intersection.
Aurora's santiary system improvements, part of its phase IA long term control plan, involved the design of a larger force main (17,000 LF of 16" pipe) from Moore Street pump station to South Dearborn Regional Sewer District (SDRSD) wastewater treatment plant; upgrades to Moore Street pump station; replacement of two pump stations; abandonment of portion of former twin force mains to Moore Street pump station, and other improvements.
Whitestown's new wastewater treatment plant -- the 1.7 MGD South WWTP -- is a sequence batch reactor (SBR) type designed to discharge into "zero flow" stream. Collection system improvements include two cast-in-place concrete triplex submersible pump lift stations (the 5.8 MGD Indianapolis Road Lift Station and the 4.5 MGD Royal Run Lift Station); approximately 16,500 LF of 20" forcemain; approximately 2,600 LF of 18" forcemain; and upgrade of Whitestown Lift Station and Walker Farms Lift Station with new pumps, controls, and approximately 14,900 LF of 10" forcemain.
ACEC Indiana is a trade association representing, and offering educations and services in support of the consulting engineering profession. The 2017 ACEC Indiana 29th Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Luncheon is set for March 2 at the Marriott North Hotel in Indianapolis.
Find a list of other GRW awards and recogition here: http://www.grwinc.com/content/awards